Spanish Intangible Culture

Hola! ("Hello!"), greetings from Spain. Are you interested to learn more about the unique and colorful Spanish intangible culture? If the answer is "yes", then click on each of the pictures to find out more.


Spanish music and dance

Arch of San Lorenzo

Arch of San Lorenzo

Plaza del Pópulo


Saint Antonio's Day

Saint Antonio's Day

Pilgrimage of Saint Catherine

Pilgrimage of Saint Catherine

Monument in the name of the legend

Day of the Lizard of La Magdalena

Entrance of the cemetary

The cemetery of San Euphrasio

The Naranjo Baths Building

The Naranjo Baths Building

The three wise men

The Three Wise Men

Jewish culture in Jaén

The Holy Face


The Three Wise Men


Spanish music and dance

Arch of San Lorenzo

Arch of San Lorenzo

Plaza del Pópulo


Typography is the art and technique