Bulgaria is rich in celebrations and cultural practices that all have something interesting and unique.
In this section, we will introduce nine of the most popular among them, so keep reading.

Trifon's Day- Feast of the Wine
Celebration of February, 14th

Baba Marta Day
The cultural practice of March- ” Martenitsa ” (Mартеницa)

Liberation Day
Celebration of March 3

Forgiveness Day
Celebration 7 weeks before Easter – “Sirni Zagovezni” (Сирни заговезни)

Bulgarian Orthodox Easter
”Vélikden” (Великден)

St. George's Day
Celebration of May 6th– ”Gergiovden” (Гергьовден)

Day of the Slavic Alphabet and Cyril and Methodius Brothers
Celebration of May 24th

The last day of high school and graduation day

Death Notices– Obituaries
Cultural practice related to death